di Transposh - plugin di traduzione per wordpress


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Di Erick Reynaga

This module will develop the origin, definition, and concept of the so called “Cryptcoins”, which are cryptographic algorithms to guarantee their security and value.

descrizione del corso

You will learn how this digital currency operates and its virtual transaction and operation. You will increase your knowledge and your skills to consider investing and diversifying your investment portfolio, with this interesting option.

What will you find in this course?

Video conferences taught by a group of specialists in education and production of educational materials online.

Which is the target audience?

Individuals willing to increase their knowledge of finance and financial markets.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Lesson number: 5

Video: With relevant information

Languages: English and Spanish in video more subtitles in several other languages.

Includes: Downloadable PDF Guide and Certificate

Crypto Trading Guide - Inglese

Cripto Trading - Español

Soon in arabic, chinese, french and more.